Recruitment Under High Tension: What Solutions To Manage This Crisis?

Following the lifting of certain health constraints, in September 2021 nearly 300,000 jobs remain to be filled. Among the sectors most affected by these recruitment difficulties: are health and medico-social, hotel and catering, industry, construction, retail, and logistics.

In the context of the health crisis, the health and medico-social sector has been particularly highlighted. During the most critical periods, “the top of the wave”, we noticed how much we lacked human resources to respond to the challenges facing our health system: use of the health reserve, calls for volunteering among students, retirees… This crisis has revealed to the general public the challenges of recruitment, replacement, and reinforcements to cope with a “peak of activity” without completely disrupting our healthcare system.

Nevertheless, outside the Covid context, the problem of human resources management is permanent in this high-tension sector which has to deal with two main trends:

  • A systemic shortage of profiles is explained by a lack of training capacity in the face of the needs of our health system.
  • A transformation of the labor market where professionals now favor flexibility and the diversity of their experiences rather than job security.

It is a reality, we observe disorganization of the health establishments which generates the exhaustion of the “over-solicited” teams and thus accentuates absenteeism. Pre-Covid, not a week went by without us finding in the press the service of a health establishment on strike to demand an improvement in working conditions, a reorganization of services, or a salary increase.

Personnel management based on controlled and “anticipatory” recruitment has become impossible. It gave way to the management of the workforce suffered and the urgency. Health establishments must reorganize accordingly and face this new challenge by finding a fragile balance in a new and changing environment. The management of replacements and reinforcements is thus gradually replacing recruitment.

In response to recruitment tensions, HR decision-makers can integrate new models into their human resources management policy:

  • Change recruitment by offering assignments with more mobility and flexibility to employees. Bringing “flexi-security” to its employees.
  • Turn the new rules of the game to their advantage by placing the management of replacements and reinforcements at the center of the system, because the challenge is no longer so much to recruit a candidate but rather to retain a replacement.

Several Lines Of Work Are Available To HR Decision-Makers, In Particular:

  • Deploy a replacement and reinforcement management platform to recruit, manage and retain a talent ecosystem,
  • Put in place the appropriate business and IS processes to streamline the transmission of information and thus boost internal mobility,
  • Accept the pooling of internal and external resources and decompartmentalize the organization to find the right resources more easily.

For HR managers, the main challenge is to be part of this paradigm shift with a proactive, agile, and efficient organization in terms of management of replacements and reinforcements; and thus find the optimal balance at all times.

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