The Health Sector Is Faced With A Shortage Of Caregivers

Since the health crisis, hospitals and clinics have become real battlefields, health professionals are exhausted by the workload, and the shortage of caregivers only exacerbates the complexity of the situation. Indeed, in some regions, emergency services are forced to close their doors at night due to a lack of medical personnel (emergency doctors, nurses, and nursing assistants). However, interrupting the activity even at night of a sector as important as care is inconceivable.

Overload And Psychological Malaise

For years, caregivers have been overwhelmed by workload and overtime. Some see “increased pay” as a way to boost staff morale and productivity. However, the salary increase is far from sufficient. We can pay twice as much for overtime, if a carer does not have the necessary rest and working conditions,it will be difficult for him to work calmly and therefore to offer the best possible quality of care. Indeed, caregivers are not automatons that work with tokens. It is essential to take care of it by setting up a good QVT and decent working hours that do not overwork the same people to exhaustion.

Replacements Are Just A Click Away

At night, 60,000 nursing positions are vacant, including 1,500 in the emergency services, according to Thierry Amouroux, spokesperson for the SNPI (national union of nursing professionals). Following the shortage of caregivers, finding emergency replacements becomes a complex task that requires speed and flexibility.

Manually consulting lists and CVs of potential replacements and calling candidates are time-consuming tasks that are incompatible with urgent replacement needs.

A replacement platform then becomes a lever to speed up and streamline the replacement process. In addition, it brings more comfort both for the manager and for the candidates. In a few clicks, the HR manager distributes the replacement mission, both internally and externally (per legal requirements), to competent, available and nearby replacements.

A Fulfilled Staff

A fulfilled staff provides a better quality of care. On the contrary, an overload of activity leads to professional exhaustion, burn-out, and deterioration of the care service. HR must then adopt a replacement management solution to lighten and reorganize the schedule and allow caregivers days off by relying on replacements.

ESMS (Health and Medico-Social Establishments) benefit from a fluid replacement process to improve QWL by allowing internal and temporary employees to break with the routine and improve internal mobility to diversify their daily lives.

The implementation of an optimized replacement system proves to be the key to providing HR with additional management capabilities to better manage the workforce and create a less tense working atmosphere.…

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